Oh an evening to remember, a few nights before Christmas and the peace on earth good will to men and women song just keeps on going. Loads of fun this week, (I think those xylophone lessons are paying off!) the men were all dreamy with depth and soul searching questions. You dont have to be a June Cleaver, or even know who she is to have understood what she stood for in her apron, pearls and heels. The women were of course lovely and in the end it was good taste that prevailed, no we didnt even go over any food questions this week.
I will say it is of interest that men prefer cooking and a woman having great taste over her having having money or olympic sexpert skills. I guess the whole humanist approach to being female is rapidly making a comeback. Edsel even asked what might be construed as a shocking question but the women handled it well- certainly could be a whole topic for a talk show. What do you think?
Join the brand new forum I would love to post a thread to his question and will-but we kept the laughs going, couldnt help it the show has so much natural humor. & Really the Christmas Coal would be for me dust mop slippers too!
If you don't know what I mean you simply must watch the show- We went Gift >Coal>Wish>Cuddle (isn't it always like that?) & yes the roaring fire won out hands down! no one wanted to trek to a cold dungeon, well almost no one! See if you can guess who did!
The moments of flirtrage were scintilating, and left a few of the men gasping for air, or more points or something! And Good Old Charlie Brown- he wasn't very popular with panel, (but the little red haired girl does fancy you, you know!) Fascinating how they did all meet their match- except Betty Boop. Close race start to finish-
Next week we are on holiday break & when we return it is at 5PM Sunday ! HAPPY Christmas everyone, and I hope your Christmas Wishes do come true!
Your host Lovey Foxtrot brings a half hour of frothy fun with romantic situations. Contestants reveal what matters most and the audience gets to guess who will win the Game of Love! A brand new original game played live. Win, Place & SHOW!
The Dating Casino 11 - 21 Dec 08
Another fabulous and hilarious show.
Do visit our brand new forum to talk about some of those questions, and you might even be able to arrange some dates for yourselves there!
Do visit our brand new forum to talk about some of those questions, and you might even be able to arrange some dates for yourselves there!
Lovey's Blog 10
Oh how the crowd roared last night! We had 72 people pack the StudioDome for what has become SecondLifes' newest hit show!
If you weren't there last night ( I hope it wasn't you banned for keeping you mic opened!), not to worry, we have the event now captured on HD - go to Big Screen darlings and this is better than the movies!
I am always amazed at the wit of the contestants, and none funnier than Mr. Mariner, especially when he gets going, your mouth will drop at some of the things he said! Rubaiyat was wonderful, mentioned Quatrains, and even Harper (big beautiful lug that he is) swooned.
Oh they each had their fan clubs, all right! Note to all (40 years or so later Monty Python still rules, but most of the Women would like to see their men on Seinfeld).
The Ladies, beautiful & poised were on the whole more Liberal than Conservative, and Played the Holiday Flirtrage for laughs, cookies and taking Santa home. The men were amused, and try as they might to look cool and matte under under the spotlight, indeed they gleamed brightly. (Well Crap is all gleam, but we know that darlings!) The women were happy, joyous and independantly minded. All of them preferred Crayon marks to Karl or Groucho! But as fine artists, each differed. Well done!
Though none of them thought of themselves as nurturing, more felt their feminine wiles were interesting instead. Hmmmmmm, I wonder when that clock will work itself backwards?
A fabulous night, despite the game board having a nervous breakdown- well better it than me! Too funny when you play for love and you get laughs, its delicious darling. Plus What Women & Men wanted to know will keep you rooted to the edge of your seats!
Also darlings! Anyone who wishes to be on the show, please IM Lovey, we are always booking!
Plus open call for guitar player a la Paul or Paulette Schafer - After Christmas my Xylophone player has to go back to the South Pole.
See you next week!
If you weren't there last night ( I hope it wasn't you banned for keeping you mic opened!), not to worry, we have the event now captured on HD - go to Big Screen darlings and this is better than the movies!
I am always amazed at the wit of the contestants, and none funnier than Mr. Mariner, especially when he gets going, your mouth will drop at some of the things he said! Rubaiyat was wonderful, mentioned Quatrains, and even Harper (big beautiful lug that he is) swooned.
Oh they each had their fan clubs, all right! Note to all (40 years or so later Monty Python still rules, but most of the Women would like to see their men on Seinfeld).
The Ladies, beautiful & poised were on the whole more Liberal than Conservative, and Played the Holiday Flirtrage for laughs, cookies and taking Santa home. The men were amused, and try as they might to look cool and matte under under the spotlight, indeed they gleamed brightly. (Well Crap is all gleam, but we know that darlings!) The women were happy, joyous and independantly minded. All of them preferred Crayon marks to Karl or Groucho! But as fine artists, each differed. Well done!
Though none of them thought of themselves as nurturing, more felt their feminine wiles were interesting instead. Hmmmmmm, I wonder when that clock will work itself backwards?
A fabulous night, despite the game board having a nervous breakdown- well better it than me! Too funny when you play for love and you get laughs, its delicious darling. Plus What Women & Men wanted to know will keep you rooted to the edge of your seats!
Also darlings! Anyone who wishes to be on the show, please IM Lovey, we are always booking!
Plus open call for guitar player a la Paul or Paulette Schafer - After Christmas my Xylophone player has to go back to the South Pole.
See you next week!
The Dating Casino 10 - 14 Dec 08
Send comments darlings, please do, Lovey loves to know what you are all thinking!
Lovey's Blog 9
It takes one to know to know one, and took the three woman to finesse the ultimate love match made. Three very exceptional men, and three lovely ladies were up for grabs. (And some were definitely wearing thier 'grab me" clothes!) When you have style mixed with substance the results are pandorific. That is Lovey's new word darlings- all about opening the box, and never knowing what you will find. One of the gentlemen even made a pass at Lovey, darlings! can you believe it?
Well its been edited, so don't worry, no scandale ensued. (Although this was the weekend that our adorable Teann did get married to a contestant, does this count as our first marraige?)
Again ladies please be aware that the bigger the man, the more he wants blue jeans, chocolate syrup and tenderness. Being something out of a pulp fiction novel is often better left to.....fiction, not fancy.
See you next week!
Well its been edited, so don't worry, no scandale ensued. (Although this was the weekend that our adorable Teann did get married to a contestant, does this count as our first marraige?)
Again ladies please be aware that the bigger the man, the more he wants blue jeans, chocolate syrup and tenderness. Being something out of a pulp fiction novel is often better left to.....fiction, not fancy.
See you next week!
Lovey's Blog 8
Another Delightful Dating Duet was found at the end of our Blockbuster 8th Episode. Preshow was AbFab, I swear we must film it & have this on YouTube. The entire panel loosened up as they traded tails of "SecondLife Embarassing moments involving Real Life Family Memebers, they didn't know were online"
Yes- I thought for a moment I would have to change my name to Lovey Springer, Darlings. And then we all went on to the tune of, you know you have been on SecondLife too long when you walk into your real life living room, and ask yourself, "How many prims IS this?" And many of the women on the panel have tried to put their ex-husbands on mute, including Lovey! One woman spoke of putting her children in inventory, now that's convenient! Get in here early on a Sunday, so you can join the fun too.
The show started and it was hilarious, touching and of course a rousing success. We had around 66 people in the StudioDome, really pleased with this. The Ladies & Gentlemen were in Top Form, The ladies wanted to be WonderWoman, but with a change of accessories from Gold to Silver lassos, the men picked Spiderman for his webslinging ability! (A lot of the ladies choose Spiderman too, they liked that Web thing!) Batman for his toys, and Superman cause he could leap tall ladies in a single bound.
Recreational sports was a very funny topic. Does anyone really play frisbee naked? Just asking. All of the Ladies wanted to go sailing, tip up to you gents reading this. And they all wanted to be the Power Behind The Throne. Some of the gentelmen even knew this and put their knowledge before their needs to win the game. Verrrrrrrrrrry interesting and great moments in Live Online Virtual Entertainment.
Flirtrage was hilarious invoving dogs in the park, the men & womens questions both concerned vehicles (anyone else like a man who moves fast and is easy to manuever, like a motorbike?) which was incredible because as well as Lunaloo the Island paradise- the prizes for the winning couple now includes a CAR! Each!! From Pro Am- no body builds it better!
Another great week, send in comments, question ideas, and if I choose yours for blog or show - I shall send you our Very Special LoveCouch. It even comes with instructions...........as IF you need them!
See you next week Darlings, I am off to Palm Beach for some parties!
Yes- I thought for a moment I would have to change my name to Lovey Springer, Darlings. And then we all went on to the tune of, you know you have been on SecondLife too long when you walk into your real life living room, and ask yourself, "How many prims IS this?" And many of the women on the panel have tried to put their ex-husbands on mute, including Lovey! One woman spoke of putting her children in inventory, now that's convenient! Get in here early on a Sunday, so you can join the fun too.
The show started and it was hilarious, touching and of course a rousing success. We had around 66 people in the StudioDome, really pleased with this. The Ladies & Gentlemen were in Top Form, The ladies wanted to be WonderWoman, but with a change of accessories from Gold to Silver lassos, the men picked Spiderman for his webslinging ability! (A lot of the ladies choose Spiderman too, they liked that Web thing!) Batman for his toys, and Superman cause he could leap tall ladies in a single bound.
Recreational sports was a very funny topic. Does anyone really play frisbee naked? Just asking. All of the Ladies wanted to go sailing, tip up to you gents reading this. And they all wanted to be the Power Behind The Throne. Some of the gentelmen even knew this and put their knowledge before their needs to win the game. Verrrrrrrrrrry interesting and great moments in Live Online Virtual Entertainment.
Flirtrage was hilarious invoving dogs in the park, the men & womens questions both concerned vehicles (anyone else like a man who moves fast and is easy to manuever, like a motorbike?) which was incredible because as well as Lunaloo the Island paradise- the prizes for the winning couple now includes a CAR! Each!! From Pro Am- no body builds it better!
Another great week, send in comments, question ideas, and if I choose yours for blog or show - I shall send you our Very Special LoveCouch. It even comes with instructions...........as IF you need them!
See you next week Darlings, I am off to Palm Beach for some parties!
Lovey's Blog 7
One of the great parts of The Dating Casino is observing human behavior in that wonderful ritual known as the mating dance. Always fascinating and never predictable I have even learned a thing or two from each week's show. Sometimes I have to point out some highlights, as it is just too amazing to ignore!
This week a few notables-
When asked what quality the women had that a man might first notice, out of the possibilities- Great Smile, Seductive walk, Sexy laugh or the Sensuous touching of hair – ALL of the women picked Seductive Walk. Why is strutting one's stuff thought to be so remarkable? Well, honestly it shouldn’t be because ladies, every man notices your great smile first! So keep that positive spirit glowing gals!
-Also funniest line of the week-
Gentleman: "If I asked you to marry me in one hour, how long would it take you to get ready?"
Lady: "6 Months"
-And watch to find out what can be done with an ice cream cone, what Woman in Uniform is most desirable (The Nurse!) and why the sexes don’t agree on Animal Magnetism - All in this week’s Episode 7!~
This week a few notables-
When asked what quality the women had that a man might first notice, out of the possibilities- Great Smile, Seductive walk, Sexy laugh or the Sensuous touching of hair – ALL of the women picked Seductive Walk. Why is strutting one's stuff thought to be so remarkable? Well, honestly it shouldn’t be because ladies, every man notices your great smile first! So keep that positive spirit glowing gals!
-Also funniest line of the week-
Gentleman: "If I asked you to marry me in one hour, how long would it take you to get ready?"
Lady: "6 Months"
-And watch to find out what can be done with an ice cream cone, what Woman in Uniform is most desirable (The Nurse!) and why the sexes don’t agree on Animal Magnetism - All in this week’s Episode 7!~
Lovey's Blog 6
The Dating Casino just continues to amaze!
The broad and bold replies of women & men tell us what women and men really want. Astounding! In Episode 2 we found out that 4 out of 4 women wanted smart men. Although the men clamed to be sensitive, funny and cuddling machines, no one got a point! Don’t be shy guys about letting us women know you can think.
& what else is news, darlings?? The show has been going swimmingly well. Jetting off to the Rivera to meet with potential contestants, the cruise in the Mediterranean to review sponsorships and of course tea with the Queen who NEVER misses an episode. I think she said she even downloaded it, but you never can tell.
This week the questions continue to illuminate what woman and men want to know. Let's face it we could never have gotten this far without each other, its time to give credit where it is due. "Woman needs man & man must his mate, which no one can deny..." as the song goes. I also say bravo to all of the wonderful people who have come onto the show. There is much to see, say & do each week.
FEEDBACK Darlings!!! Lovey wants feedback- Please don’t be shy about telling it like you see it- we are the beginning of this magic enterprise and DO so want to know what you are thinking! ACW - (All Comment Welcome)
Also sign up to play the game - I will take recomms for contestants- Just IM Lovey Foxtrot.
The broad and bold replies of women & men tell us what women and men really want. Astounding! In Episode 2 we found out that 4 out of 4 women wanted smart men. Although the men clamed to be sensitive, funny and cuddling machines, no one got a point! Don’t be shy guys about letting us women know you can think.
& what else is news, darlings?? The show has been going swimmingly well. Jetting off to the Rivera to meet with potential contestants, the cruise in the Mediterranean to review sponsorships and of course tea with the Queen who NEVER misses an episode. I think she said she even downloaded it, but you never can tell.
This week the questions continue to illuminate what woman and men want to know. Let's face it we could never have gotten this far without each other, its time to give credit where it is due. "Woman needs man & man must his mate, which no one can deny..." as the song goes. I also say bravo to all of the wonderful people who have come onto the show. There is much to see, say & do each week.
FEEDBACK Darlings!!! Lovey wants feedback- Please don’t be shy about telling it like you see it- we are the beginning of this magic enterprise and DO so want to know what you are thinking! ACW - (All Comment Welcome)
Also sign up to play the game - I will take recomms for contestants- Just IM Lovey Foxtrot.
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