The Dating Casino 21 - 27 Sep 09

The Dating Casino Episode 21 from Pooky Media on Vimeo.

This week's panel Georgianna Blackburn / Toxic Menges / Styles Criss / Gatecrasher Braveheart / Cane Kovacs.

The show was a buzz start to finish with fabulous phrases and oodles of revelations.Did you know men do not mind if their women burp? Really not at all - they only have two caveats - 1) they can laugh at you afterwards & 2) you don’t do at their boss's house for dinner. Men are so delightful aren't they! And tolerate just do NOT read their emails, sacred territory!

We covered some very important ground from the circus to the food emporium and when you get to THAT question I defy you not to whisper "pudding" to your significant other and run to the fridge. Always glad to give you good ideas and good advice.

It's true everything I learned about love I learned on The Dating Casino!

The Dating Casino 20 - 20 Sep 09

The Dating Casino Episode 20 from Pooky Media on Vimeo.

This week’s panelists:
Evie Fairchild / Scarlett Niven / Kalli Birman
Pb Recreant / CodeWarrior Carling / Nookie Nightfire

It was a triumphant return to the Love Dome and the audience was full of high spirits and the panelists full of!

Tonight’s first and last question were very notable because none of the men got a match with the woman on them and all the ladies or all the men had the same answer across the board. This is a strictly need to know part of the show. This is where “everything I learned about love I learned on The Dating Casino!”

The 1st Question was:
Noticing -- Damsel In Distress / Holly GoLightly / Helpful Heloise / Mystery Woman

And the ladies were asked- what role do you favor when you want to get his attention?
ALL the women picked MYSTERY WOMAN. The men were asked- which of these women Do get your attention? The men picked anyone but the Mystery Woman!

Note to the ladies, be less Mysterious and easier to read. It's first take, men don’t want to get to know better a woman who might have something to hide. Men are sensitive creatures - too much mystery is a warning, not intrigue!

For the last bonus point round, where the men literally bet on which woman will match their answer, the question was, “There is one last container left in the world for you to share with the last woman in the world, what would you like it to be full of?”
One Container -- Ice Cream / Gasoline / Coffee / Lubricant

ALL the men picked Ice cream........ALL! Ladies I don't care if it's chocolate, vanilla or strawberry, go get some in the freezer. AND as Evie FairChild said-
I'm buying shares in Baskin-Robbins!

None of the women picked Ice Cream.

You have been informed!

Flirtrage this week was:
"You are on a panel with someone whose opinion you can't stand. However, in person he is incredibly hot and attractive - How do you get him to come to your hotel room, after you have disagreed with him so openly?"

You will have to watch the show to see how it was answered!

Till next week darlings! I am going to get some Ice Cream right now, for the fridge.